Tag Archives: Saving Money

Resolution update #1

2 Feb

It’s February already! How can that be?! 

I thought it would be good to keep a record of how I get along with my New Year resolution, for myself as much as anyone to remember when the year is over.

[If you’re a new reader you can read about my resolution here.]

I am really happy to be continuing with this no buy resolution. I haven’t kept to it religiously – the ‘rules’ were never meant to be legalistic – but there have been lots of times where I have thought about buying something and have either

– just told myself that I can’t have it or
– actively gone about trying to find it for free or to borrow it.

I have bought a few things this month…

I bought this spatula by accident really. I bought it for a friend for her birthday but then decided I’d bought too much for her. However, I’d needed a new spatula for ages and as it was only £3.50 I kept it!


I caved and bought a packet of Rolos during my Welsh class and I was REALLY ANNOYED afterwards! I know it’s only 60p or something but the chocolate just made me feel sluggish and I wished I hadn’t given into temptation.

I also caved and bought a Thai curry when I was really tired after work the other day. I LOVE Thai food. It doesn’t feel all greasy and full of fat like some other takeaways we have. Josh and I shared one and it only cost £5.99 so I don’t feel too bad!

The thing I have appreciated so much about this challenge is my change in mindset. Instead of just impulse buying I am constantly thinking “do I actually need this” or “where could I get this for free?”.

One good example is a bible that I wanted to buy a couple of weeks ago. I’ve decided to read through the bible chronologically in a year and we have a really nice bible in the bookshop for £15.99 which splits it all into day by day readings. I wanted to buy it but after I thought about it I realised that there are reading guides online that give you the references for each day. I have printed it off and now I’m using it with my own bible for free.

I’m going to do a post later in the week about the rest of the stuff that I have managed to get for free this month, so check back for that soon.

Saturday Steals: Swap Party Finds

22 Jan

This is posted in conjunction with Camille’s Saturday Steals over at Archives of our Lives


As I’ve been ranting about swap parties recently I thought it would be good to share some of the great clothes that I have picked up at our most recent parties, and all for FREE!

1. Some cardigans (including the white one that I prayed for!) and an arty swishy skirt.

2. These are my favourite EVER swaps. Love, love, LOVE this red long sleeve top and a great knitted tank which looks great over any long sleeved top.

3. I also picked up these nice tops. The grey one is very versatile and looks great on (sorry about the bad photo!). It had been left over ‘til last because it looks a bit weird on the hanger, but it suits me well. The person I got it off said it had been hanging in her wardrobe for five years, and now I wear it all the time!


4. I also picked up some nice ‘slobbing’ hoodies which are good to wear around the house.

Have you picked up any steals recently? If so, head over to Camille’s and let us know…

The one where she rants about Swap Parties

19 Jan

What is a swap party?

The basic premise of a swap party – unsurprisingly – is to swap your things. Everyone brings along things they no longer want, you chuck it all in a pile and grab anything that takes your fancy. I’ve been to formal parties where you’re only allowed to swap clothes or jewellery, but most of our parties are just with friends where we swap anything from clothes to toiletries to cleaning products to books and DVDs.

Why I love swap parties so much

  1. They help me to de-clutter.
    They say that you should clear out your house like you’re planning to move twice a year. Swap parties help to give me the motivation to look through every room in my house [and especially my wardrobe] to see what I don’t really use anymore. Anything that is not swapped is taken to a charity shop, so it doesn’t really matter if you’re trying to swap really old stuff. It’s still a good motivation to get rid of it if you no longer use it.
  2. They help me stick to my new year’s resolution.
    I’ve got a lot of clothes, and really I don’t need to buy any from year to year. But you know what it’s like…occasionally you just want to jazz up your wardrobe so you feel like you’re not just wearing the same old things day after day.
    Swap parties are an EXCELLENT opportunity to do just that…and all for FREE. Also, if you decide you don’t like the item you claimed you can just swap it again next party!
  3. You get to own clothes you wouldn’t normally buy.
    I have a few arty friends who always have beautiful clothes and I always cheer inside when we have swap parties together. I have got several items of clothing that I wouldn’t have thought to buy but that I now LOVE. It’s easier to experiment with new styles when the clothes are free!
  4. They are FUN, FUN, FUN!
    A group of girls with wine, nibbles, and lots and lots of clothes? Need I say more?!


Have you ever been to a swap party? What was the best thing you claimed?