Tag Archives: Camping

Weekend by the sea

21 Jun

This weekend we packed up the private jet and headed off for a five star hotel in Greece.


Of course, by private jet I mean slightly rusting Ford, and you should probably read tent in Pembrokeshire instead of a hotel in Greece.


However, I don’t think I could have had a nicer weekend spent anywhere else in the world.


The weather was absolutely perfect for camping. Our campsite was literally about 30 seconds walk from the coast path and we spent the two days that we were there walking along the path first one way and then the other until our feet ached. Then we would settle down on the cliffs and watch the sun set over a calm sea.


It was a perfectly relaxing few days of recharging the batteries…and now, back to work!

(until we go to Shetland in 16 days…aha!)

Josh’s birthday fun – Day three (Thursday)

28 Mar



The third day of our yurt adventure dawned cold and frosty once again but with the sun shining and the birds singing. Josh kindly tried to warm my clothes by the fire before I woke up but succeeded only in melting my fleece. It’s the thought that counts, aey?


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Josh’s birthday fun – day one (Tuesday)

24 Mar



Wow, how busy can I get without my head exploding and making an unsightly mark on the church office ceiling? Things have been manic in both personal and work life and so I haven’t had time to even think about posting until now.

A whole week has passed since our yurt experience began and it already feels like a lifetime ago. All the beautiful spring whether has disappeared as well, to be replaced by the predictable Welsh rain…booo…hiss.


ANYWAY, I shall endeavour to remember what happened a week ago with the help of some photos!

More about the yurt experience!


19 Mar

There, I said it. YURT, YURT, YURT.

I’m so bad at keeping secrets. All I’ve wanted to blurt out to everyone I have met for the last few weeks is I’M STAYING IN A YURT DON’T YOU KNOW?!

But now the deceit is over. I successfully conned Josh into going to a picnic site for his birthday and then whisked him away for a magical 2 days staying in a yurt.

It was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

I feel sun kissed and relaxed.

Anyway…can’t write much now as I now have a frantic afternoon of getting stuff ready for Josh’s party which is only a few hours away…just wanted to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet.

I’ll update you very soon, I have about 200 photos which I’m sure you’ll enjoy 😉