Tag Archives: 30 Days

Day 8

15 Nov

Firstly, I just need to RANT, because there is no one here right now, and I just walked into a bollard on the street in front of someone and it was really EMBARRESSING.


In EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE, I practically screamed in a man’s face this morning because a pigeon flew straight at me.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggh! Social misfit – right here.

Secondly, on a better note, we had a nice time on our wedding trip to England this past weekend. It was really good to catch up with some old university friends and we stayed in a nice B&B and enjoyed a yummy cooked breakfast.


For some reason Josh and I seem to have our faces turned away from this photo!

Thirdly, today I’m meant to give four short term goals for the next month:

1/ Clear the pile of paper-work which is stacked next to my computer and glares at me with its angry eyes every time I sit down to procrastinate on the internet.

2/ Sort out getting a food waste bin from the council. Our council has just changed its rubbish collection system. We used to have weekly refuse collection and fortnightly recycling. Now we have weekly recycling and weekly food waste collection – and our normal waste only goes fortnightly.
However, we haven’t been given a food bin which means all our food waste is only getting collected every other week along with the normal rubbish, which does not make my nose happy. I’ve already complained to the council but nothing has been done yet.

3/ Create a good Christmas display that I’m happy with in the bookshop. I’ve got plans so I hope that they work out how I imagine them in my head.

4/  Take some time out to relax. Things have been so hectic recently that I need to chill out before my head explodes. Hopefully I’m heading down to Devon next week.

Have you got any simple short term goals?

Day Five

12 Nov

Today I’m meant to be writing about my favourite superhero, but

a)      I don’t have one
b)      I’ve had a long day and I’m sleeeepy

We recently went to cinema and watched Dispicable Me, which made me laugh – does Gru count as a superhero?!

I, along with a couple of other people from church have been working hard on the new church website. There are still lots of changes to be made with colour schemes etc, but you can check it out here.

I’ve also recently managed to get this video on the website…why not watch it and meet some of the people I spend my days with.

I’m off for a weekend of fun in Birmingham to celebrate a wedding and look forward to catching up with some old friends, but I’ll be scheduling a post for tomorrow.

Have a good weekend all 🙂

Day Four – 7 childhood facts

11 Nov

One/ I still have that teddy 24 years later, although I noticed today he needs emergency surgery on his arms and legs.

Two/ I grew up on Dartmoor, in a little village which had a great sense of community. I spent many hours playing with the dogs at my neighbours’ houses, but I was never allowed one of my own 😦

Three/ I had more than my fair share of child-hood illnesses, including german measles, chicken pox, and a burst ear-drum (double OW). I even had scarlet fever which made all my skin peel off!

Four/ I once got a black eye and a bruise all down my face while my brother and I were play fighting. I must have been about 5 and he about 20!

Five/ The first film I ever saw at the cinema was Aladdin. My sister and her boyfriend (or fiancé? Can’t remember!) took me in to the cinema as a surprise saying that we needed to shelter from the rain. I thought watching the film was an added bonus of sheltering – I didn’t really realise they were treating me!!

Six/ I’ve always loved to read and I really appreciate my parents in encouraging me with this.

Seven/ In my imaginary world I was called Penny and I had a band of ‘tomboys’ who would cycle round my garden with me to have adventures!

Day Two – Seasons

9 Nov

Brrr…hasn’t it turned cold today? I spent most of the day huddling in my freezing office wearing a fleece that I found in the upstairs office even though it was about five sizes to big for me.

Apparently it snowed in Scotland last night. It only seems like a few weeks since the spring thaw – I hope it’s not going to be a very harsh winter again.


Today’s 30 day blogging challenge prompt is ‘Your favourite season and why’. 

I can defiantely say that my favourite season is NOT winter. I like some parts of it, the season obviously has its inviting and beautiful parts. Christmas wouldn’t be quite the same without frosty mornings and dark cosy evenings for a start. But since I’ve started working in the office I’ve come to dislike the dark winter days spent conserving heat in any way I can, and when I can go for weeks at a time without getting any real light!


I think I would have to say that my favourite season is Spring. After a long winter there is something amazing about the natural world coming out of hibernation.

Things begin to warm up, and there such an expectation for what is about to come during the rest of spring and summer. I can start dreaming of lying in wild flower meadows, staying out late watching bats flit around twilight skies, and of feeling the first warm breeze of the year.

It’s a treat to be able to get out more as the days start to lighten, and the fresh delicate greenness of new life brings joy to my soul.

Only four months to go!

30 Days

8 Nov

Howdy and welcome to day one of my 30 days blogging challenge. This idea comes from Becca over at Life in Techicolour. Each day, for thirty days Becca gives prompt for something to blog about.

I’ve been out of blogging for so long I’ve got out of the habit. It’s not that I don’t want to write, but I need the motivation to post. I hope this will give me that impetus! 

Okay…so the first prompt: A recent photo of you and the meaning behind your blog name


This photo was taken this year on holiday in Northumberland. The rest of our friends had gone to a nearby city, but Josh and I escaped to the moor above the house we were staying in. It was filled with grouse that would fly up in front of us at the last minute, which was terrifying!

Stick around this blog for long enough and it should become pretty clear that the name ‘Dreaming of the Country’ comes from my love of the countryside and nature.

I grew up in a little village on Dartmoor and came to Aberystwyth to study Countryside Management. However, when I graduated I started work as an office administrator. Now I spend my days locked away in a pokey little office. I love my job but it doesn’t stop me getting outside at every opportunity, and I’ll be sure to take my camera.

This blog is mainly a place where I can post my photos and keep family up to date with what we’re up to, but it’s also a place where I can look back at my exploits on rainy, dark days and remind myself that there really is a world beautiful world out there!