Tag Archives: detox

Detox Diary Recap

15 Feb

Yesterday I finished my detox diet. I had meat and treated myself to some crisps in the evening! Although I must admit when I knew I could have anything I wanted to eat the cravings for unhealthy food had abated. It must have been all in my mind! 

I won’t put my detox diaries up for the last few days as they are pretty similar to the first 4! However, I must recommend vegetable bolognaise poured over a jacket potato as a yummy lunch idea. It’s very quick and easy if you just have a batch you can heat up. I imagine it would be even nicer if you added some grated cheese and knob of butter, but obviously I couldn’t have that the other day! I will certainly be making it again as I must make sure I eat proper healthy lunches from now on – not just a slice of toast and honey! 

Ok, recap of the week. Has it done me any good? I have felt less tired in the last week but that is the only difference I can feel (other than loosing a bit of weight, which will just be put on again when I start eating more carbs etc.).
I think that it probably wouldn’t have made a hugely noticeable difference unless I had been eating appallingly beforehand.
However, having said that having more energy has been great, and I just hope it doesn’t mean I have some sort of intolerance. I wouldn’t do it again in a hurry but I want to use the experience as a spring board for cutting down on office-related junk food and doing more exercise!

Versatile Vegetable Bolognese Recipe

12 Feb

I realise that I keep mentioning ‘Vegetable Bolognese’ in my detox diaries so I thought I would share the recipe with you as it is delicious.

I first got the idea off the BBC good-food website when my sister and family came to stay as I needed an easy vegetarian option to serve 6.
However since then it appears to have disappeared off their website, and I have adapted it for my own cooking anyway…

Individual vegetables can be left out or substituted with pretty much any others you have in the fridge, the dish is so versatile.
It can be served with spaghetti to make vegetarian spaghetti bolognese. It is really nice mixed in with brown rice or served with a helping of mashed sweet potato, or can be used as a light lunch served over a baked/jacket potato.  

To Serve 4 People….

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Courgette
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • 100g Red Lentils
  • 500ml Vegetable Stock
  • 400g Chopped Tomatoes
  • Parmesan cheese (cheddar is fine!)

1. Chop all vegetables (chop finely for serving with spagetti, but when serving with rice or potato it is nicer to keep some more chunks).
2. Fry onion and garlic in the oil for a couple of minutes. Add all other vegetables and fry for another minute.
3. Add lentils, stock and chopped tomatoes. Simmer for 15/20 minutes until sauce has reduced down.
4. Serve with grated cheese over the top. 

Why not add a pinch of chilli flakes to give it some kick?

Detox Diary – Day 3 and 4

11 Feb

I am grumpy.

It is stunningly beautiful outside and I am stuck inside with quarter of a stained-glass window (which lets in pretty much no natural light), I can’t have chocolate and I’ve just had annoying people ranting at me about the price of the car park because I put a warning notice on their car.

The price of our car parking has gone up to £2. This might seem steep but the county council car parks are £2.50. We would like to tarmac the car park but obviously need to raise some money as of course, we are a charity.
People don’t seem to realise this though and appear to enjoy getting round paying at all costs which makes my afternoon job of playing carpark attendent all the more fun.
Having said that they are probably the people who complain first about the state of the carpark in bad weather. 

Anyway, eeek, rant over…Here is my detox diary for the weekend. I can’t wait for Thursday when I can eat what I want. However I keep telling myself there is no point detoxing if you just eat loads of junk afterwards!!

Day 3
Porridge with raisins and dried apricot; 1 glass of water with lemon 
Morning 1 glass of water; Flapjack (made with oil and honey) 
Lunch Leek and Potato Soup with rice cakes; 1 Pear; 1 glass of orange juice 
Dinner Vegetable Bolognese with brown rice; Yoghurt with honey and fruit; Flap jack; Glass of water 
Evening Raw carrot; Plain popcorn; Glass of water and orange juice

 Day 4
Breakfast Porridge with raisins and dried apricot; 1 glass of water with lemon; 1 glass of orange juice 
Lunch Cod fillet with potatos, kale and sprouts (all steamed); Banana 
Dinner Leek and Potato soup with rice cakes; Flapjack 
Porridge with dried fruit

(I lost count of the amount of water I drank as I was here there any everywhere!)

Detox Diary – Day two

9 Feb

I don’t think I have actually mentioned the reason why I am detoxing.
This isn’t just another food fad, so please don’t dismiss it as one! I have been feeling very tired and ill lately. I am normally a very active, healthy person so this has been making me feel rubbish. I think part of the reason is being stuck in the office without proper exercise and eating too many unhealthy things that people bring in. 

I have heard detoxing is a good way to clear your system and to feel great so I thought I would give it a go. It might also help me identify if I have an intolerance to anything which is making me feel sluggish. I have also taken up twice-weekly aerobics and started jogging so if I don’t feel fab by the end of the week I will have something to say about it! 

To be honest, I am already feeling better. Sleeping better and have more energy. Horrah! 

Day 2
Porridge with raisins and dried apricot
1 glass of orange juice
1 glass of water 

1 glass of water

Spicy Carrot Soup
Rice Cake 

4 glasses of water
Sunflower Seeds 

Brown rice with courgette, celery, red onion, mushrooms and pumpkin seeds
Natural Yoghurt with honey

Plain popcorn
Flapjack (made with oil and honey)
2 glasses of water 

Detox Diary – Day One

8 Feb

Okay, so yesterday was my first day of detox.

Porridge with raisins and dried apricot
1 glass of orange juice

2 glasses of water
Sunflower seeds 

Vegetable broth
Natural ‘live’ yoghurt with Satsuma
1 glass of water 

1 glass of water
1 cup of herbal tea 

Vegetable Bolognese with mashed potato 

Natural Yoghurt sweetened with honey
Plain popcorn
3 Glasses of Water

It hasn’t been too bad as I normally eat this kind of thing. I have really missed having something ‘solid’ to chew on and make me feel like I’m filled up. I could have really done with some sweet flapjack!
Felt slightly better after having honey with yoghurt as the instant sugar gave me a pick-up.
Drinking so much water was the most difficult thing as almost had to force it down. Didn’t feel thirsty at all.
Now need to try and find a recipe for something more solid and chewy and I’ll be okay for the week.

Count down to detox – 6 days to go

2 Feb

There are bound to be strong reactions to this.
I have found that either people think (a) it’s a ridiculous idea (the husband’s reaction), (b) they think it’s a good idea, but they couldn’t do it, or (c) they think it’s a really good idea and want to do it with me.
 I now have 3 other people doing the 7-day detox with me, and we are starting next Thurday.

I’m not doing a ‘proper’ detox that includes fasting or taking mixtures which improve digestion or anything – just eating healthily for 7 days, drinking A LOT of water, and cutting out meat, dairy products, wheat, alcohol, coffee and tea, processed food or sauces, salt, snacks and sweets. 

This shouldn’t be too difficult. I already eat the type of breakfast that they suggest in the plan (porridge made with water with fruit and yoghurt), and plan to make vegetable soups in advance for lunch. Evening meals, I think, will be a little harder as Josh will want to eat ‘proper’ meals.
However, I’m allowed potatoes, fish, quorn and brown rice so there are several staples we can combine with vegetables to make decent meals.

I’ll keep you updated!