Tag Archives: organic living


5 Nov

Have I already mentioned that we have a new washing machine? I don’t think I have…but we do. It was free too, which is always the best price!

We got it from the Rector and his wife, Stuart and Pru on long loan – it’s great to be able to work through the huge pile of laundry that’s been building up since our last machine broke back in July.

Anyway, we finally decided to try out some ‘Aquaballs’ instead of conventional powder. They cost £15 and are meant to last for 120 washes.

“The Aquaballs clean by releasing ionised oxygen which increases the pH level of the water in your wash and activates the water’s molecules. The molecules then penetrate deep into the fibres of your clothes lifting away dirt without damaging the fabrics.”

Apparently they “are the natural alternative to chemical laundry detergent and softener. You simply throw the balls into your washing machine and clothes are left sparkling clean, fresh and soft without any of the nasty residues of harsh detergents.”

Hmm…I’m still a little bit dubious, but if they work it will be great. I’ll keep you updated.


Another Year, Another Post

17 Oct

A year of blogging with WordPress has slipped quietly by. I can’t quite believe it. This has been the first time that I have ever recorded what goes on in my life and it’s been really good to be able to record and remember.


It has been a big year for us…the infamous first year of marriage and a new job. It’s been tough at times, but awesome all the same.

It’s also good to remember those funny moments which are so easy to forget over time too, like the day Josh lost his wedding ring, or when we chased a prize cockerel around the church grounds for an entire afternoon. See, it’s brought a smile to my face already!


As for living green, that has been great fun too! This time last year we were just getting our veg box for the first time. Since then we have been through various stages of loving organic food, hating it, giving up and shopping in supermarkets, and finally coming full circle and ordering our veg box again.

We’ve gradually found a balance of simple living that isn’t necessarily text book, but it works for us.


I wonder what I will be able to look back on next October? By that time we will have left Aberystwyth and could be anywhere(!). I look forward to finding out!